Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Red Breasted Robin.

I love this time of year when I can watch out my kitchen window as a pair of robins build their nest and grow their family. The best part is that they are building their nest in my Dogwood tree. We have been in this house for 6 years and each year has been a blessing to watch. It reminds me of compassion and unconditional love.
The story of the robin tells of a robin who sees Jesus hanging on the cross and it comes to the cross to pluck a thorn out of the brow of Jesus. When it did, a drop of the Savior's blood fell on the bird's breast, forever staining it red. That story is a beautiful picture of compassion and the Savior's unconditional love for us. Wow!!! What an amazing blessing!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Stained Glass Window

One of my favorite places to be is in church. Tonight is one of the special times when we get to hear from the recently returned missionaries from St. Lucia. What a wonderful thing to share in the sanctuary; about the sharing and spreading of God's Holy Word.
Our church sanctuary has stained glass windows which depict scenes from the Bible. When I am in the sanctuary, I remember that Jesus is my Sanctuary. He is my Refuge in time of trouble. He is the Cleft in the Rock where I find safety. I am so thankful to serve a Living Savior who loves me enough to constantly watch over me in the easy times and in the hard times. Joy. Peace. Mercy. Love.